The problem of the stinky co-worker afflicts just about every person during the course of their career. There are two kinds of stinky people, however, and each needs to be treated differently.
Type A is the nice person who has simply become anti-social after a lifetime in the world of business, where people are often defined by function rather than by physical or moral scent. Such an individual often has some friends who are willing to overlook his bouquet. An intervention group must be formed to meet with that close associate and beseech him to act as an emissary to the fragrant one. This will not solve the problem of the random piece of mayonnaise -encrusted tuna in his moustache - smelly people are often slobs at the table. But it will see results.
Type B is the mean stinker. This person uses his disgusting personal aura to keep people at bay. Give him what he wants.
Last updated December 20 2007: 1:13 PM ET