Kenilworth, IL 60043

gallery richest zip codes
  • Median income*: $567,115
  • Median home price: $1,175,000

A wealthy enclave 15 miles north of Chicago, Kenilworth is a family-friendly suburb. There's hockey in the winter and lacrosse in summer in a large park near the town's center.

The town boasts a 1905 Frank Lloyd Wright home that's on the National Register of Historic Places. Other homeowners continue to enjoy the spoils of the 19th-century urban planners who made sure residential plots were large and designed the streets to maximize the sunlight to each house.

First published June 12, 2014: 1:38 PM ET
Source: Income data latest available from Internal Revenue Service. Home prices are median sales prices Feb. - June 2014 from Trulia.
*Median adjusted gross income, 2011

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