San Francisco, CA. 94111

gallery richest zip codes
  • Median income*: $630,645
  • Median home price: $887,500

San Francisco's top-earning zip code spans a cross-section of neighborhoods, including Telegraph Hill, Chinatown, North Beach and the Financial District. Both the City by the Bay's tech prowess and the state's strengthening economy contribute to the area's prosperity.

The rich here are known for their philanthropy, and it's not only formal charities that benefit. Just last month, a wealthy San Francisco real estate developer decided to give back to his community and began leaving $50 and $100 bills across the city, treasure-hunt style, using the Twitter account @HiddenCash.

First published June 12, 2014: 1:38 PM ET
Source: Income data latest available from Internal Revenue Service. Home prices are median sales prices Feb. - June 2014 from Trulia.
*Median adjusted gross income, 2011

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