Sure, corporate chiefs' pay often is eye-poppingly high. But at some companies, executives lower down the ladder quietly out-earned their CEO bosses.
Some CEOs and founders agree to salaries of just $1 a year. But once goodies like bonuses and stock options are added in, some of those executives end up taking home many millions of dollars a year.
Ford's Alan Mulally earned some $23.2 million last year. But that's only about a third of the $78.4 million Oracle's Larry Ellison made. What other CEOs took home big bucks?
Warren Buffett discusses the taxation and culture of executive compensation. He also says the government can afford a higher Earned Income Tax Credit.
Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Charlie Munger says both board directors and executives in big American companies get paid too much.
These top CEOs of S&P 500 companies made shareholders very wealthy over the past three years.