Jobs that make the world a worse place

Fast food workers. Telemarketers. Investment bankers. These professions have the highest share of employees who say their jobs make the world a worse place, according to a survey by

Retail sales associate

Retail Salesperson
  • Workers who say their job makes the world a worse place: 3.7%

Whether it's selling the hottest new toys, electronic gadgets or furniture, some retail associates just don't think taking peoples' money all day long is doing much to improve the world around them.

And PayScale's Bardaro says she thinks those who work at clothing stores may have the hardest time seeing their contributions to the world.

"They're [often] trying to get people to spend a lot of money on really expensive clothes, and it's their job to tell them [the clothing] looks great and to try to get them to buy whatever they try on, even if meanwhile they think it looks crazy," said PayScale's Bardaro.

Nearly 4% of retail sales associates surveyed by PayScale believe their jobs are making the world a worse place, and 31% responded that their job isn't making the world better.

Does your job make the world a worse place? Tell us about it by e-mailing or tweeting @CNNMoney using the hashtag #worstjobs.

Note: PayScale asked 32,000 employees whether their jobs make the world a better place. Respondents could answer "very much so," "yes," "a little," "no" or "my job makes the world a worse place."
  @blakeellis3 - Last updated October 18 2012 05:50 AM ET

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