Seven cancer survivors confronted life-threatening diseases and turned their experiences into successful small business ideas.
In a lousy economy, startup ideas can be found in surprising places. We asked Thumbtack.com which opportunities are drawing the most interest from entrepreneurs and their customers.
Some of this year's coolest toys are from small toymakers. Here are seven hot toys that just might be the smash-hit of the holiday 2012 season.
For these five women, breast cancer inspired them to start unique businesses that help many who suffer from the disease.
Months after Romney adviser's "Etch A Sketch" comment, Ohio Art Company is capitalizing on it with red and blue toys, political paraphernalia and a "Shakeitupamerica" website.
Raul Ojeda started shining shoes at the age of 18. A decade later, with the help of his mentor, Willie, he owns his own small business.