2.  Dallas, Texas

gallery best cities small biz

Four of the top 10 cities on Thumbtack's list are located in Texas.

Why are small businesses sweet on the state?

"Business owners say they generally appreciate the hands-off attitude there," said Thumbtack's Lieber. "Compared to L.A. or New York, the cost of complying with regulations is much less in Texas."

Dallas scored an "A+" in overall friendliness. Business owners said they liked the city's "endless networking opportunities" as well as support from public and private sectors.

But others dinged the city on "convoluted" licensing requirements and zoning ordinances.

First published August 19, 2015: 1:44 PM ET
Methodology: Thumbtack polled its users in December 2014; 18,000 small businesses in its database of 150,000 active monthly users responded. Entrepreneurs from all 50 states replied, but the ranking excluded 14 states that didn't meet the threshold of receiving at least 50 responses.

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