Qualcomm's new fingerprint scanner

Qualcomm fingerprint scanner Snapdragon Sense ID

Qualcomm's new 3-D biometric fingerprint sensor uses ultrasonic sound waves to scan the contours of your finger.

The Snapdragon Sense ID technology goes above and beyond Apple's Touch ID fingerprint sensors, which simply does 2-D scans. Plus, this new scanner works on sweaty and moist hands.

Apple fans often moan when the Touch ID technology falls short in the newer iPhones and iPads, presenting an opportunity for Qualcomm (QCOM).

The company expects the feature to be used in a new, mystery device later this year.

Qualcomm suggests the technology could also be used in cars and homes, allowing owners to turn on engines or open doors with a quick finger scan.

First published March 4, 2015: 7:44 AM ET

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