Say yes and figure out the details later

best advice 2015 leanne pittsford

Pittsford originally shied away from starting a business: She thought nonprofits and education were the main paths for social change. But in 2012, she founded Lesbians Who Tech: Queer Women in Tech, a global community that now counts more than 11,000 members. In July, the organization received a major boost from the Arrillaga-Andreessen Foundation: A $165,000 inclusion grant.

Best advice:
"Take more risks. Life is about making choices. Say yes and figure out the details later. Saying yes when you think you can't is exactly when you should. And I think the world would be a better place if more women had this mindset."

Read more from Leanne

First published January 8, 2016: 5:18 PM ET

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