Tech is at a tipping point

As smartphones replace dumb phones and tablets surpass laptops, the world is shifting to a more mobile world this year -- and it's not looking back.

Virtual currency gaining traction

tech tipping point bitcoin

The dollar is still considered strong, but many believe a cyber currency could be an even better investment.

Bitcoin was created in 2009 but only gained real traction this year, reaching a market capitalization of more than $1 billion.

Some investors flocked to the virtual currency during the Cypriot banking crisis in March, embracing it as possible alternative to government-backed currencies.

Since the beginning of this year, the value of one Bitcoin has jumped from about $13, peaking at around $238, and is now hovering just above $100.

  @KatieLobosco - Last updated June 20 2013 07:06 AM ET

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