Jay McGraw and Adam Jackson, both 35, are changing the way that people interact with their doctors. Along with Dr. Phil, who is McGraw’s father, they launched Doctor On Demand in 2013. The San-Francisco-based startup offers online video consultations with 1,400 credentialed physicians around the country. One million people have downloaded the app -- and it’s raised $74 million in VC funding to date.
What do you actually do all day in your job?
JM: As the co-founder of Doctor On Demand and executive producer of The Doctors, my weekdays are pretty busy. Most of my morning is focused on producing episodes of The Doctors, and working with my team to plan upcoming episodes. After that’s a wrap, I connect with Adam to talk through anything from customer feedback to driving awareness for the company.
AJ: As CEO, I watch our engagement numbers like a hawk. I’m obsessed with learning about how consumers use our service, what they like about it, but more importantly how the healthcare system could be serving them better. The best part of my job is reading patient reviews -- especially the bad ones -- that’s where you learn how to get better.
How many hours do you sleep?
JM + AJ: Between six and seven hours each night.
What do you eat for breakfast?
JM: Greek yogurt and lots of coffee!
AJ: Very strong coffee.
If you could pitch to one person, who would it be?
JM: So far, pitching Bryan Roberts, a partner at Venrock, seems to be working out pretty well, as we just secured a $50 million round of funding, in which he played a big role.
AJ: Kelly Ripa. Moms are often the head of household and primary healthcare decision makers -- and many moms respect Kelly.
What’s on your home screen?
JM: A picture of my wife and me at Nikki Beach in St. Tropez.
How often do you exercise?
JM: I exercise four days each week. Spending most of my days with physicians -- both with The Doctors and Doctor On Demand -- has really made an impact on how I live my life. Exercise is a very important part of staying healthy.
AJ: Every day, when I’m not traveling for work. Exercise for me just means walking to and from the office -- about 1.3 miles each way in San Francisco. Those hills can be killer!
What app can’t you live without?
JM: The Daily Mail. I am addicted.
AJ: Google Maps. No matter which city in the world you’re in, Google Maps gets you wherever you need to go.
What's your favorite city?
JM: Monte Carlo. The energy there is intoxicating.
AJ: Carmel, CA. I live in San Francisco -- ground zero for tech and innovation. There are drones flying over my house on a daily basis and every delivery service you can imagine proves itself in San Francisco. Carmel, on the other hand, is a walk back in time. Clint Eastwood would shoot those drones out of the sky to preserve the peace in Carmel!
What’s the most important company we’ve never heard of?
JM: I think Theranos is a super exciting company that will transform the medical world.
AJ: Cellscope. They make an Otoscope for your iPhone that will allow for definitive ear infection diagnosis to occur from home via your smart phone. It’s really amazing.
Are there any social platforms you refuse to participate in?
JM: I might be the only person not on Facebook. I wouldn’t say that I refuse to join, but I’m just not that into it.
AJ: Tinder.
What are you reading right now?
AJ: NOW: Catching up on New Yorker profiles -- they’re the best in the business. The recent profile on Marc Andreessen is incredible.
BEFORE STARTING A COMPANY: Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist. If you only read one book before starting a company, read this one.
SCALING A COMPANY: Bill Walsh: The score takes care of itself: a model for leadership regardless of your business (or sport).
Do you think there’s a tech bubble?
JM: No, I don’t think so.
AJ: No. I think there is a lot of capital in the global markets and that is reflected in private company valuations. When that changes, valuations will change. Solid businesses will survive.
Best piece of advice you've been given?
JM: Spend as much time with your children as you possibly can. They grow up fast!
AJ: When I was working part-time in college: “You’re a pretty good IT support guy and will probably make it to systems administrator someday, Adam. Keep your head down for now and you’ll get a good paycheck someday.”
What keeps you up at night?
JM: To be honest, nothing really keeps me up at night.
AJ: Anxiety that I haven’t surrounded my talented team with the right circumstances or resources to perform at their best and realize our mission at Doctor On Demand.
If you could tell your 18-year-old self one thing, what would it be?
JM: Honestly, nothing. I’ve been fortunate to have a very happy and exciting life, and it’s been a pretty perfect adventure so far!
AJ: Make all the mistakes you’re compelled to make right now, because when you’re 35 you’ll be glad you did all those stupid things and can now focus on building a world class business.