AD SPECS Rich Media |
|  |
High Impact Ad Formats | Rich Media Vendors and File Types | Production Guidelines |
Max Animation Time: 30 seconds |
Audio/Video: Accepted. See Ad Guidelines & Policies for details. |
Expansion Guidelines
- Creative pixel sizes include banner and panels.
- 738 x 90 expands down only.
- 336 x 280 expands left, up or down.
- 160 x 600 expands left only.
- Method of expansion and un-expansion must be the same.
- Expansion "hotspots" must be clearly identified. "Hotspots" cannot exceed 33% of ad space; horizontal "hotspots" cannot exceed 50% of horizontal
pixel length; vertical "hotspots" cannot exceed 50% of vertical pixel length.
Additional "Polite" File Load
- Polite load represents the post-page load ("polite") file size. Polite loads are only accepted from
CNNMoney.com certified vendors and are not available with Flash.
- Additional load must terminate immediately when a user clicks off the page.
- 336 x 280 expands left, up or down.
- 160 x 600 expands left only.
- Combined file size for initial and polite load is 100K maximum unless otherwise indicated.
Host Initiated Expandable Banner |
Expansion Guidelines
- No host initiated expansion on the CNNMoney.com Homepage, Stock Quotes and Pre-Market pages.
- Controls: Mandatory "Close" button in top right corner.
- Frequency Cap: Host initiated expansion capped at the one display per user every 12 hours.
Submission Requirements
- Advertiser/agency/vendor must deliver two tags�one tag that has the host initiated experience with a backup and a second tag
that has the backup.
- CNNMoney.com does not guarantee host initiated displays.
- CNNMoney.com requires 10 business days prior to campaign launch dates for receipt of rich media creative assets.
User Initiated Expandable Banner |
Expansion Guidelines
- Expansion "hotspots" should be marked with appropriate call to action (mouse-over or click).
- Controls: Mandatory "Close" button in top right corner (unless mouse-over).
Submission Requirements
- Advertiser must deliver two creatives: one expandable banner and one backup, non-expanding creative.
- Not all placements can accept these units, as they require a file be added to the web server of the page.
- CNNMoney.com requires 10 business days prior to campaign launch dates for receipt of rich media creative assets.
Ad Dimensions: 500 x 500 Max. |
Rich Media File Size 40K |
Max Animation Time: 15 seconds floating time, then floating ad must
dissolve back into a standard banner. |
Audio/Video: Accepted. See Ad Guidelines & Policies for details. |
- Frequency Cap: one per unique user, per day (24 hours).
- Banner Reminder: Standard banner sizes only.
- Must have prominent and persistent close button on top right corner.
- Floating ads are not permitted on the CNNMoney.com homepage, Stock Quotes, Pre-Market and Auto research pages.
- Floating ads must not contain hard borders or appear at all like a pop-up. This unit should not stay fixed in place for more than 1 second.
- Positioning: Creative may not cover core page navigation, branding, or other ads on the page.
- Close Functionality: Mandatory "Close" button on top right of creative execution.
- No browser shaking functionality allowed.
Submission Requirements
- Advertiser/agency/vendor must deliver two tags-one tag that has the host initiated experience with a backup and a second tag
that has the backup.
- CNNMoney.com does not guarantee host initiated displays.
- CNNMoney.com requires 10 business days prior to campaign launch dates for receipt of rich media creative assets.
- 3rd Party Rich Media
- Flash
Lead Times
All Rich Media creative requires CNNMoney.com pre-approval. CNNMoney.com requires 10 business days prior
to campaign launch dates for receipt of rich media creative assets.
Approved Rich Media Vendors |
Bluestreak Video, DoubleClick, Eyeblaster, Flash, HTML, PointRoll, Unicast, Viewpoint
Atlas, Bluestreak, DoubleClick, Eyeblaster, PointRoll, Unicast, Viewpoint
Floating Ads
DoubleClick, Eyeblaster, Atlas, Viewpoint
Approved 3rd Party Ad Server |
More information available soon.
Approved Research Vendors |
Dynamic Logic
Insight Express
Following are requirements for submitting HTML creative:
- Ads must be live and fully functional at time of submission.
- No JavaScript except for onChange events (No SCRIPT tags).
- No nested TABLEs.
- Reference images locally and submit image fragments along with the HTML code.
- Do not include (HTML), (META), (HEAD), (TITLE) or (BODY) tags.
- No cascading style sheets (CSS).
- No flash fragments.
- The only acceptable FORM method is GET. Method=POST is not allowed.
- Image Maps must be client-side.
- No "mailto" tags.
- Forms must have a unique name.
- The arrangement of form and table tags should be as follows: FORMTABLETABLEFORM
- Maximum of 30 characters for alt text, including spaces.
- Target URL may not exceed 200 characters.
- Use a color palette of 256 or less adaptive colors with flat, Web-safe colors.
- Designer must test creatives across all major browsers and versions prior to submission. At minimum,
Netscape versions 4.0 and higher and Internet Explorer versions 5.0 and higher must be tested.
Flash Coding Guidelines |
Please note that Flash ads must conform to all standard Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. interactive ad specs
and guidelines�including file size, animation, and content-in addition to the specific coding specs noted in the CNNMoney.com Production Guidelines.
NOTE: If a third party is serving the ad, please follow that vendor's instructions for coding the Flash click through.
All the aspects of the ad (i.e. file size, animation, etc.) must be in accordance with CNNMoney.com ad specifications.
SWF Movie Requirements (for the Flash developer)
For the most part, the movie is made like any other Flash movie. Any animation or ActionScript that would normally
be used can be used with this method. The main difference is in the click through (getURL) actions.
SWF File Requirements |
Flash version
SWF files must be published as Flash 5, 6, or 7. We do not currently accept Flash 8.
The following characters should not be included in the filename:
- Ampersands &
- Asterisks *
- Slashes / or \
- Spaces
- Question Marks ?
Frame Rate
Macromedia recommends when designing an ad banner to keep the frames per second as low as
possible-18 fps or lower; ideally 12 fps.
Flash offers the ability to create additional animation on rollover. Our standard animations spec is 15
seconds, but Flash ads can additionally animate upon rollover, as long as the animation stops as soon as the user rolls off the ad.
Backup GIF
Due to heavy Flash ads sniff, a backup GIF is required for every campaign to ensure smooth delivery.
getURL Actions
Macromedia currently recommends a "clickTag" method to track clicks for Flash ads. This method uses
variables to pass the click tracking string and URL into Flash movies. As a result, the only text in the URL box is: "_level0.clickTag" (without the quotes).
The _level0 part is included for 'pathing' purposes�to ensure that Flash can properly locate the variable.
Because clickTag is a variable, the text that is entered into the URL box is an expression. When the movie plays, the expression
will be evaluated and replaced with the click tracking string and the destination URL. For this method to function correctly in Flash 5 and Flash 6 (MX), indicate
that the text is an expression by checking the expression check box. Note that there are two buttons or check boxes. One is for the URL and one is
for the target window. Make sure that the button or check box for the URL is set correctly. In addition, set the Variables drop-down box to "Don't send."
No special check boxes or drop down selections are required for Flash 7(MX 2004).
Because frames are sometimes used for serving ads, the target window for the click-through URL must be set to "_blank". If the target
window is set incorrectly, the advertiser's site might appear in the ad frame. Never leave the target statement undeclared.
Upon submission, please denote a click-through URL for each ad in the e-mail body or in a spreadsheet.
This URL will be used such that when a click through occurs, the browser will first contact the ad server to count the click and then go to the click-through site.
*Vendor serving fee may apply.
**CNNMoney.com will review each vendor product offered on a case-by-case basis. Specs and vendor art type/product
acceptance/certification are subject to change.
Production Specs, Ad Guidelines and Policies are subject to change at CNNMoney.com's discretion. |