Saudi Arabia

top countries billionaires saudi arabia
  • No. of billionaires: 64
  • Total net worth (2013): $204 billion

The oil-rich Middle East has long been a home for billionaires, and Saudi Arabia leads the pack.

It also boasts a growing population of ultra-wealthy people who have $30 million or more in assets. Saudi Arabia gained 200 of these super-rich folks last year, and their total wealth grew 27%, according to Wealth-X.

Almost the entire Middle East saw double-digit growth, except for Syria, where the ongoing civil war has taken a toll.

Women still struggle to gain a foothold among Saudi Arabia's wealth elite: They account for just 5% of the country's super rich.

First published June 6, 2014: 6:04 PM ET
Source: Data provided by Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2013

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