United States

top countries billionaires usa
  • No. of billionaires: 515
  • Total net worth (2013): $2,064 billion

Land of the free, home of the billionaires? Nearly a quarter of the world's wealthiest -- those with more than $1 billion in assets -- are based in the U.S., according to 2013 data from Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2013.

And if you look a little lower on the wealth ladder, at folks worth $30 million or more, Americans account for a whopping 32% of the world's super rich.

American women hold a lot of that wealth: $1.2 trillion worth of assets, more than ultra-wealthy women in any other country.

So where in the states are the richest Americans? California's golden shores account for 20% of the country's super rich, and their numbers are growing. New York and Texas also rank high.

First published June 6, 2014: 6:04 PM ET
Source: Data provided by Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2013

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