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5 ways retailers are tracking you

If you think pesky salespeople are invading your personal space, check out these 5 technologies that are tracking your movements throughout a store.

Video that tracks your every move

retailers watching video

Cameras aren't just for deterring shoplifting. Video analytics can tell a retailer the age and gender of shoppers, what they touch and where they go in a store.

"We had a store targeting the Millennial crowd when it turned out it was Gen X shopping there," said Shelley Kohan, vice president of retail consulting at RetailNext.

RetailNext's software also allows retailers to view the store as a heat map to pinpoint highly-trafficked sections of the store. "If you know where people spend the most time in your store, you place specific items in their path," she said.

  @KathrynVasel - Last updated November 24 2014 10:03 AM ET

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