
hot toys disco robo
  • Company: TOSY Robotics
  • Price: $45-$50; DiscoRobo with MP3 stage is $90
  • Age: 4 and up

No one wants to dance alone, and the DiscoRobo ensures you'll never, ever have to.

With 56 preset dance moves, all you have to do is turn on your favorite tunes and these 9-inch robots get down -- they can even spin on their heads! Think its moves are soooooo last year? You can sync it with your smartphone and make its moves mimic your own.

"We've created a dancing robot that closely resembles a human shape and dances to any music," said Trang Pham, a spokeswoman for TOSY Robotics, the Vietnamese company behind the robots.

A special edition of the robot -- hitting stores in December -- includes a stage that doubles as an MP3 player.

First published November 14, 2013: 7:02 AM ET

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