Ukulele instructor

john may
John May
  • Searches for businesses of this type on Thumbtack: 876, up from 228 in 2014

Goodbye guitar lessons. Hello ukulele.

Lessons for the ukulele, a quaint four-string instrument with a unique sound, is a hot search on Thumbtack.

"We're seeing ukuleles a lot more in pop culture lately, in movies and commercials. That's inspiring interest in it," said John May, a musician who teaches ukulele classes in Columbus, Ohio.

To his point, ukulele sales have been on fire in recent years.

It's an easy instrument to learn and play, he said. "And it's versatile. You can play classical music, jazz even baroque with its chords."

On top of that, its size makes it portable for things like camping.

The cost varies, however.

"You can get a beginning ukulele for around $100. Better instruments can cost thousands," said May. "If you're already teaching an instrument, it's a nice addition to your repertoire."

First published July 21, 2015: 9:01 AM ET

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