Mercedes S-class: Closest thing yet to a self-driving car

The luxury automaker's latest top-of-the-line car can cruise down the highway almost entirely on its own.

Not hitting things

mercedes benz s dummy

Some of these sensors and cameras look for things crossing the car's path, be they cars or people. And the car can tell the difference and it responds differently.

In the event that another car is in the way, the S-Class will warn the driver, tighten up the seatbelts and, when the driver presses on the brakes, the car will immediately provide full braking pressure even if the driver doesn't push down that hard.

But if the car detects a pedestrian, it responds differently. In this case, the car will slam on the brakes with startling force if -- and only if -- the driver does absolutely nothing in response to the impending disaster.

But it works only if the driver does not respond at all. I'm not sure I see this system saving many lives, because most drivers would react somehow. If Mercedes is going to go to such great lengths to provide safety technology, I'd prefer it to assist drivers even when they are paying attention.

  @peterdrives - Last updated July 26 2013 01:25 PM ET

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