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Stresses of the super rich

Just because you make seven -- or eight -- figures, doesn't mean you live on Easy Street. The rich are just as stressed about money as the rest of us. Here are five things that keep the 1% up at night.

Avoiding the traffic

one percent stress private jet

Few things get a person's blood boiling more than sitting in traffic. There's a reason why the term "road rage" exists. For the ultra rich, the rage is not only frustrating, it can be costly.

Try not being able to get off the ground or land the private jet you're paying thousands of dollars to fly. The whole point of flying private is to avoid waits, and come and go as you please. But some super rich are finding that's not as easy as it sounds.

That's what happened around this year's Super Bowl, when the small New Jersey airport serving private jets near the game had to navigate a major traffic jam, making those accustomed to taking off and landing as they please, wait hours or even days to fly in and out.

Related: Super Bowl creating traffic jam for private jets

  @emilyjanefox - Last updated June 24 2014 01:00 PM ET

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