Being forced to unplug and get back to nature can create the ultimate family bonding trip.
"The cowboy/dude ranch experience can be perfect for the family to just unwind and reconnect on a much more personal level," said Tim Larison, co-founder of Family Travel Gurus.
Family vacations involving 20-30 people are nearly a bi-weekly occurrence at the Resort at Paws Up in Montana. Families can choose to stay in cabins or luxury tents and can participate in a slew of activities, including horseback riding, fly fishing, hiking, kayaking along with use of an outdoor spa and a recreational fitness trail.
"Everything is right here on campus, there is no driving around Montana trying to find these activities," said John Romfo, vice president of sales of the 37,000-acre luxury ranch.
"When you get the family out of their comfort zone on several of our unique activities, that's when you start to see some real bonding."