1960 Fiat-Abarth 1000 Monoposto Da Record

pebble beach auctions
  • Auctioneers: Gooding & Co.
  • Est. value: N/A

Abarth is best known for performance tuning Fiat products. (You can buy the Abarth 500 at your local Fiat dealer today.) but it has also made some cars of its own, including a few single-seat speed record cars. This is among the last of those cars. Its body was designed by the Italian auto design firm Pinin Farina -- spelled Pininfarina today -- using many hours of wind tunnel testing. Powered by a small 1-liter 180 horsepower engine, "La Principessa," as it was nicknamed, drove for 72 hours at an average speed of 117 miles an hour. That includes being pushed across the finish line by the driver after it crashed in a rainstorm near the end of the test.

First published August 18, 2016: 10:48 AM ET

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