JPMorgan in Twitter s#itstorm

dumbest moments in business jpmorgan twitter

JPMorgan (JPM) learned the hard way that Twitter is a wild, lawless world with a mind all its own.

In November, the bank announced plans to have one of its senior executives "take over" the @JPMorgan handle to answer questions from Twitter users with the hashtag #ASKJPM. It was a nice attempt at transparency, but it quickly became clear that the masses are still upset over that little ol' financial crisis.

Some tweets expressed general anger toward JPMorgan: "Did you have a specific number of people's lives you needed to ruin before you considered your business model a success?"

Other tweets speculated about the number of allegations against the bank. "I have Mortgage Fraud, Market Manipulation, Credit Card Abuse, Libor Rigging and Predatory Lending. AM I DIVERSIFIED?"

After just seven hours of such tweets JPMorgan canceled the social media event, calling it a "bad idea." - J.P.

First published December 18, 2013: 6:38 AM ET

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