15 execs who make more than their CEOs

Sure, corporate chiefs' pay often is eye-poppingly high. But at some companies, executives lower down the ladder quietly out-earned their CEO bosses.

Michelle Gass, $12.1 million

michelle gass
  • Title: Chief Customer Officer
  • Company: Kohl's
  • CEO: Kevin Mansell
  • Pay difference: $3.9 million

Retailers claim to put the customers first. Maybe that's why it made sense to put Kohl's chief customer officer's compensation ahead of the CEO's.

And nothing says welcome aboard better than a generous offer letter. Gass, who took the newly-created position in June 2013, received a $1 million cash signing bonus and a stock award valued at $8 million as part of the offer.

Gass is responsible for the retailer's e-commerce business and marketing efforts. She earned almost $4 million more than Mansell last year. --K.V.

Source: Equilar
Gass joined the company June 7, 2013. Pay data based on company's fiscal year end of January 2014.
  @CNNMoney - Last updated December 18 2014 09:12 AM ET

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