15 execs who make more than their CEOs

Sure, corporate chiefs' pay often is eye-poppingly high. But at some companies, executives lower down the ladder quietly out-earned their CEO bosses.

Curtis Arledge, $12.3 million

curtis arledge
  • Title: Vice Chairman and CEO, Investment Management
  • Company: Bank of New York Mellon
  • CEO: Gerald L. Hassell
  • Pay difference: $2.8 million

Lured from BlackRock in 2010, Arledge is a busy man these days. In addition to running Bank of New York Mellon's asset management and wealth management arms, he was recently given responsibility of its newly formed Markets Group.

It's a tall task. As one of the oldest banking institutions in the world, BNY Mellon is in a race to keep up with the times. It's been moving aggressively to win over more individual investors, especially high-net worth clients. --J.S.

Source: Equilar
  @CNNMoney - Last updated December 18 2014 09:12 AM ET

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