10.  JP Morgan

2017 top new grad employers

JPMorgan aims to attract diverse employees, and its recruitment efforts start before students even graduate. Among its many initiatives to foster inclusion, the bank offers black, Hispanic and Native American college freshmen a two-day immersion program that introduces them to the financial services industry. Sophomores can participate in an intensive program with virtual courses and two live sessions in Chicago and New York.

Another program connects female students with women leaders at the bank. The company also hosts a day-long event for LGBT students at JPMorgan offices to show its support for the community.

If you get hired but later decide investment banking isn't right for you, you can explore another career within parent company JPMorgan Chase. The bank says its opportunities for mobility are hard to match among big corporations, with the chance to pursue fields including commercial banking, software development, and wealth and risk management. --T.Z.

First published June 30, 2017: 4:35 PM ET
Source: Data source: Universum Global
How we pick the Top Employers for New Grads: Think of it as a popularity contest for companies: Every year research firm Universum Global ranks the most desirable employers, based on where undergraduate students around the world say they'd most like to work after graduation. Rankings here are for business students. For engineering/IT rankings, see the full list. More

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