Cities with the biggest pay hikes

While the average worker in the U.S. saw their wages rise 2.5% over the past year, workers in these five cities saw a much bigger bump, according to PayScale.

3. Phoenix (tie)

wage growth cities phoenix
Phoenix's building boom is back after a post-housing bust hiatus.
  • One-year pay increase: 3.1

After getting hit hard in the housing bust, Phoenix's construction industry has come roaring back to life.

The number of construction jobs grew by 15% year-over-year in May, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And now builders can't find enough workers to meet demand, forcing them to pay top dollar to attract employees.

Nationally, construction job wages grew 2.9% last year but the uptick was faster in Phoenix, especially for the most skilled workers, according to Barry Broome, CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council.

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The "Florida of the West," Phoenix attracts many retirees every winter looking for warmer climes. The city has also been attracting Californians, with some 50,000 moving to the area in the last year, according to Broome.

Many have come to take high-paying jobs in a reviving software industry, he said. They also want to take advantage of much lower living costs. The cost of housing in Phoenix is about 56% lower than in Los Angeles and 69% less than in San Francisco.

Source: PayScale
The PayScale Index tracks changes in what full-time employees earn over time based on quarterly compensation trends. This report is based on the year-over-year percentage change in compensation for the 12 months ending June 30, 2013.
  @CNNMoney - Last updated July 15 2013 09:19 AM ET

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