Coolest commutes on two wheels

Over the last 5 years, commuting by bike has risen 25%, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Dozens of companies have sprung up to fill the demand.


gallery bike companies pashley
It's not just new companies selling bikes. English bikemaker Pashley has been in the business for 80 years.

The company confirms a resurgence in commuter bike sales, not just in the Untied Sates but worldwide. Mexico and Brazil are some of its hottest markets.

Sales are best in countries that have policies to support biking, said Dave Hawkeswood, the firm's export manager.

Those include bike lanes that are separated by a physical barrier from car traffic, and congestion pricing policies that charge motor vehicles to enter urban centers.

Here's, the company's Parabike, a cruiser that sells for about $850.

  @hargreavesCNN - Last updated November 18 2012 12:50 PM ET

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