By Maria Santana @CNNMoney July 22, 2014: 5:11 PM ET
Yodo Con Leche
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Brewery: 5 Rabbit Cervecería
Hometown: Chicago, IL
"Yodo" is Spanish for iodine, and in 5 Rabbit founder Andrés Araya's home country of Costa Rica, it's a slang term for coffee, as in something strong and dark.
"We start with an Imperial porter at about 8.5%, made with two kinds of caramel malts, oats for creaminess and three different dark malts, including rye and a special one from Patagonia Malting in Chile. To this we add a solid helping of dulce de leche, a creamy milk caramel from Argentina. A little lactose (milk sugar) is added for a little back-end sweetness. Only when the beer is fermented, do we add the coffee," Araya said.