Parking made easy

mobi parkopedia
Founder EugeneTsyrklevich; Parkopedia app
  • Startup: Parkopedia
  • From: London, England

Circling the block to find parking can lead to serious road rage. Parkopedia, a database of parking spots around the world, eases the process.

Launched by Eugene Tsyrklevich in 2009, Parkopedia pulls parking data from sites like Zillow, OpenStreetMap and Wikimapia to show everything from prices and height restrictions to hours and real-time availability.

Available online or mobile (the app is free in the U.K. but costs $1.99 in the U.S.), Parkopedia lists 30 million spaces in 6,000 towns across 45 countries.

There are 2 million active users, but the majority of Parkopedia's revenue comes from its partnerships with companies like Ford and Volvo.

For example, Parkopedia is integrated into Ford's in-car technology system so drivers can access things like available parking spots with voice commands.

First published November 4, 2014: 3:19 PM ET

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