Samsung Galaxy S4 mini

smartphones samsung galaxy s4 mini

Samsung's Galaxy S5 is widely regarded as the premier smartphone running Google's Android software, but with a 5.1-inch screen, it may be more smartphone than many people need.

If you fall into this camp but are still a fan of the Galaxy series, you might want to consider the Galaxy S4 Mini.

The S4 Mini measures comes with a 4.3-inch screen. It's got the same basic look and user interface as the larger Galaxys, though you make the predictable sacrifices given its smaller size: a slower processor, lower resolution and a weaker camera. A significant weakness is the fact that it comes with only 8 GB of standard storage space, though you can pay to expand that to up to 64 GB. It's still got LTE capability, and the RAM is close to what you'd find in the Galaxy S5. If you love Samsung but don't plan to shoot or watch a lot of video on your phone, this might be the device for you.

First published August 27, 2014: 12:03 PM ET

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