You're probably wasting a lot of energy and don't even realize it. Energy audits are meant to identify ways to improve efficiency and save on utility bills -- but they're usually time-consuming and invasive.
Indoor Reality wants to change all that. It built a wearable machine (about the size of a camping backpack) that uses sensors to collect relevant data as an auditor goes through a building. It also creates a 3D map, simply by walking room to room.
The corresponding computer program can identify problem areas and give recommendations on how to save on electric, heating and cooling bills.
Avideh Zakhor, Indoor Reality's cofounder and CEO, actually invented 3D mapping, which is now used to create video games and street-level views on Google Earth.
"You can do the same kind of energy audit that would have taken a week in an hour or so," Zakhor said in a video interview.