Groupon CEO's weirdest moments

The 32-year-old Andrew Mason joked about dollhouses, gorilla suits, and fat camps during his tenure as Groupon CEO.

Dancing on a street corner in a gorilla suit

Paperwork for a company's initial public offering is typically dry and boring. Groupon's IPO was anything but -- particularly Mason's letter to shareholders.

"As with any business in a 30-month-old industry, the path to success will have twists and turns, moments of brilliance and other moments of sheer stupidity," he wrote.

The filing itself peppered some of Mason's humor throughout.

On how small businesses typically advertise: " advertisements, promotions and the occasional guy dancing on a street corner in a gorilla suit."

An example of the deals Groupon offers: "something unusual, such as fire dancing classes."

Why all the humor? Groupon wrote, "life is too short to be a boring company." No worries there.

  @julpepitone - Last updated March 01 2013 04:09 PM ET

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