Fortune 500 Rank: 482
CEO Start Date: January, 2010
Do you expect to hire more new employees in 2011 than you did in 2010?
Yes. With strategic hiring in sales and development our numbers will be up slightly at the end of our fiscal year 2011, which ends March 31, 2011.
What's the greatest challenge to growing your business in this current economy?Uncertainty. Until there is a dependable and predictable environment for business to operate, will we see a return in investment at the levels that will help stimulate a global economy. But our customers are investing with us because they know that technology, such as virtualization and cloud computing, is the key to competitiveness. They know that we offer IT solutions that drive business flexibility, position them to seize market advantage, and reduce the cost of IT management.
What's the greatest opportunity for your business in 2011?
If 2010 was the year of cloud talk, 2011 will be the year of cloud action. Cloud adoption will accelerate because CIOs know that the cloud addresses business fundamentals -- agility, flexibility and cost savings. We work with customers to devise an enterprise-wide cloud computing strategy for adopting cloud services at a rate and pace that makes sense for their business. With our 30-plus years in IT management, CA Technologies is the ideal partner to help them map out a journey to the cloud.
What CEO -- past or present -- do you most admire and why?
Lou Gerstner. I speak from experience, having worked for him for a number of years as a member of his senior management team at IBM. Lou recognized the need for IBM to change its culture so that it could better navigate the rapid changes in the IT industry and better address the requirements of IBM's customers. And he recognized that the knowledge and insight he needed to transform the company resided not just with its leaders, but with its employees at every level of the organization. So he took the time to listen and learn from them. And the result was an organization reborn from within -- a cultural transformation that was real and lasting -- which enabled IBM to become the formidable competitor it is today. That's Lou's legacy.
NEXT: Michael White