Fortune 500 Rank:153
CEO Start Date: January, 2006
How has the company changed since you've been there?
The company's changed quite a bit over the last five years. Part of that had to do with what changing dynamics in the economy and in our industry. In 2005, our mix of earnings and businesses was very different than it is today. Almost a third of the company's earnings were in oil and gas production.
We decided to sell our oil and gas business, which we did in 2006 and 2007, and then the stock market went over a cliff. So we were basically out of the oil and gas business before that happened.
What kind of leadership strategy have you brought to the company?
I have no scientific basis for this, but I believe that safety performance and operational results are closely related.
Safety's always been an important part of the culture of our company, and the utility industry. Over the last five years, we have achieved the best safety record in our region. We talk about safety around here all the time.
What's coming up for Dominion in 2011?
We're concentrating on infrastructure growth and investment.
Before the downturn in the economy, we decided we needed to build power plants in Virginia, and pipelines and gathering systems in the Appalachians. One of the power plants will come online for Virginia this spring, and our pipeline projects are rolling through being completed.
Will you be hiring more to fill those new plants?
Yes, we will be.