Best places for the rich and single
We're not saying you're a gold digger. But you could follow the money to these 25 affluent cities, where singles are abundant.
Population: 70,139
Single: 49.6%
Median family income: $94,795
Meet the bicycle-riding, tree-hugging, organic farming artisanal winemaker of your dreams in this Silicon Valley suburb. There you can take your date on a tour of a local lavender farm or on a stroll through the botanical gardens at the U.C. Davis. The farmers market, which runs every Saturday and Wednesday, is a local favorite, as is the Varsity Theater -- a 1940's art house cinema showing independent films. --A.C.
See complete data and interactive map for Davis
NEXT: White Plains, NY
Last updated July 16 2010: 8:24 AM ET