Years as a debt collector: 10
Current job: Senior credit counselor, Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Central Oklahoma
Current job: Senior credit counselor, Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Central Oklahoma
I was perfectly reasonable with him and explained that he couldn't live there for free. It was coming up on Christmas, so I even told him to enjoy the holidays and to not worry about finding a new place to live until January, but I guess it was just the last straw, because he winded up going home and shooting himself.
I quit after that.
The whole job was just too stressful. Even before that happened, I would get anxious and even physically sick sometimes at the thought of going into the office each day. From having an 80-year old man chase me down the street with a bucket to finding a pitbull tied to the motorcycle I was trying to repossess, I don't think I will ever really miss it.
NEXT: Anonymous
Last updated July 15 2010: 6:17 PM ET