Location: Clearfield, Utah
Former job: Custodian
I was devastated. I cried a couple of days, and then just got more depressed, actually, and then there was nothing for me to do. I started cleaning my house over and over. There was nothing dirty, so ... (Laughs.) Sitting around wasn't doing me any good, because I'm used to moving around, so my body started getting stiff, and I didn't even walk and get up out of the bed. I took sick and my whole body started to ache me.
I still want my job back. That would be the ultimate, you know, the best thing to happen right now. If they find that contract and we could get our jobs back, it would be so sweet. There's nothing like doing the work that you enjoy. I just miss it all. You get into a routine of things, and then it just seems like it's just a natural thing to do.
Right now I'm just struggling, trying to find something to keep me busy every day all day. I've been pursuing other things. I'm thinking about opening my own business, you know, because I love to clean. It relaxes my mind and all, and so I enjoy it. I feel like I'm ready to clean up the world.
NEXT: Dirk, 37