Mercedes-Benz S-Class

mercedes benz s class exterior back
  • Base price: $92,900

While the dream of the self-driving car remains a few years off, Mercedes-Benz is really, really close with the new S-Class full-size luxury sedan. Set your speed and you can cruise down the highway with your feet totally off the pedals and your hands only just touching the steering wheel. The S-Class will maintain its distance behind cars ahead while keeping itself between the lane lines.

Video - The Mercedes-Benz that nearly drives itself

That's just the tech, though. Let's not overlook the Mercedes-Benz S-Class's rich ride quality, sharp handling and prodigious power. As has long been the case, Mercedes' top-of-the-line car is the very definition of a luxury automobile.

First published December 26, 2013: 3:16 AM ET

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