Amazon River, Peru

vacations aria amazon river
  • Price: 7-day cruise for $7,000

No cord is long enough to keep you connected to the real world as you float down the little-explored Peruvian stretch of the Amazon River on small luxury cruise ship Aria Amazon.

The three-year old ship has 16 cabins with floor-to-ceiling windows and California king-sized beds. The cruise replicates the safari experience and is operated by Aqua Expeditions. There are two excursions a day that focus on exploring the local cities and looking for wildlife, including pink dolphins, jaguars, anacondas and manatees.

"There is no Wi-Fi on the boat and no phone access. You are completely cut off. You almost never see other tourists outside of the boat. It's all locals," said Ann-Rebecca Laschever from Geoffrey Weill Associates.

On board, you can spend your time in the outdoor Jacuzzi, screen movies or take cooking classes to master Peru's national drink or make the perfect ceviche.

First published January 20, 2016: 4:14 PM ET

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