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Why I'm protesting in Hong Kong

Tens of thousands of protesters have flooded the streets of Hong Kong to demand open elections free from Beijing's influence. Eight protesters explain why they're taking a stand.

'Stealing our freedom'

hk crystal lo

Name and age: Crystal Lo, 24
Occupation: Nurse

I support democracy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a very free place, where we can speak out, and voice our opinions. But now, I think the Chinese government is trying to force Hong Kong to obey their wishes. They are just stealing our freedom.

I don't think the Hong Kong government is trying to solve the problems here. They seem to only listen to what China wants.

Many mainland Chinese are coming to Hong Kong, and they buy our houses and take advantage of our health and social benefits, and this affects the lower and middle class residents of Hong Kong.

I worry about housing. It is very expensive, and difficult for a recent graduate like myself to buy a house. And while there seem to be enough jobs, the salary is not always high enough.

  @sophia_yan - Last updated October 01 2014 11:56 PM ET

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