12.  Boston Consulting Group

2017 top new grad employers

Boston Consulting Group is making sure the women who start there want to stay. Five years ago, the company surveyed employees who'd left, and mid-career women reported their lowest satisfaction in the areas of apprenticeship and feedback.

So BCG revamped the way its managers coach and give feedback in a program led by senior partner Michelle Russell along with other company leaders and executive coaching firm Brandspeak. The firm's women had been previously been told to "be more aggressive" or "take up more space," but the framing was changed so that coaching now encourages a range of communication styles including two-way dialogues and building personal connections.

Five years later, female promotion rates at BCG have risen nationwide, while retention of mid-career women is now at parity with their male counterparts. --T.Z.

First published June 30, 2017: 4:35 PM ET
Source: Data source: Universum Global
How we pick the Top Employers for New Grads: Think of it as a popularity contest for companies: Every year research firm Universum Global ranks the most desirable employers, based on where undergraduate students around the world say they'd most like to work after graduation. Rankings here are for business students. For engineering/IT rankings, see the full list. More

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