2.  Goldman Sachs

2017 top new grad employers

Now that you've graduated from college, it's time to earn an advanced degree from Goldman Sachs University. With more than 4,000 courses, the investment bank's training program helps new employees create personalized roadmaps for their careers. Goldman says 98% of its staffers attend one or more GSU sessions each year.

Managers are encouraged to communicate with hires before they even start, and the mentoring continues through ongoing face time with senior staff. During Goldman's "First 100 Days" program, new employees get an informative email every week, answering questions about available tech resources, wellness programs and how to navigate the complex rules of finance.

Diversity and inclusion are also top of mind at Goldman, with more than 80 networks and forums for its minority, disabled, veteran and LGBT staffers, among others. --T.Z.

First published June 30, 2017: 4:35 PM ET
Source: Data source: Universum Global
How we pick the Top Employers for New Grads: Think of it as a popularity contest for companies: Every year research firm Universum Global ranks the most desirable employers, based on where undergraduate students around the world say they'd most like to work after graduation. Rankings here are for business students. For engineering/IT rankings, see the full list. More

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