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How much is a Treasury Secretary worth?

Treasury Secretary nominee Jack Lew is worth between $748,000 and $1.7 million, on par with outgoing secretary Tim Geithner but well below recent predecessors. The Treasury Secretary job pays $199,700 a year.

Henry Paulson

  • Administration: Bush
  • Tenure: 2006- 2009
  • Net worth: $92 million to more than $500 million
  • Best paid gig: CEO Goldman Sachs (GS)

Paulson is considered the richest Treasury Secretary in history and it's unclear what his actual worth was when he left Treasury. He had to sell about $500 million worth of Goldman stock in 2006 to get the Treasury gig. In 2008, Paulson reported "more than $50 million" in a blind trust, which presumably includes the money from his lucrative Goldman stock sale.

Source: Getty
  @jenliberto - Last updated January 25 2013 10:32 AM ET

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