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Meet the Fed's newest voters

The Federal Reserve's 2013 roster seems to favor the doves over hawks.

Eric Rosengren, Boston

eric rosengren

Rosengren has recently been a staunch defender of the Fed's accomodative policies, and has even indicated he would be open to doing more to boost the economy.

He often presents research showing that the Fed's low interest rates are having a positive impact on the economy by making it cheaper for consumers to purchase homes or cars.

"Overall, I see monetary policy having an impact, in encouraging the purchase of interest-sensitive assets like homes, cars, and consumer durables," he said in a speech earlier this month.

"The most interest-sensitive sectors have been responding to the monetary stimulus from the Fed, and this stimulus has provided a major source of strength for the economy last year. And it is likely to be a source of support in 2013. "

While he will often nod to the inflation fears of his more hawkish colleagues, he points to high unemployment as his bigger concern at the moment.

  @AnnalynKurtz - Last updated January 29 2013 08:12 AM ET

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