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10 cities with Zeitgeist: The places to be in 2013

Hub Culture's Zeitgeist rankings attempt something unusual: Quantifying a feeling. Still, they've managed to create a list of cities that capture this year's "spirit of the moment."

.  Rio de Janiero

city rio de janeiro

Rio de Janiero is Brazil's second entry on the Zeitgeist list, and it feels like a city preparing for big things.

It will host the Olympics in 2016 and the World Cup in 2014, and real estate prices are up on increased demand.

The Hub Culture take: "Rio is simply in a great mood -- pacification of the communidades appears to be working, there is a great sense of community spirit, and an optimism about Rio's place in the world."

The Hub Culture ranking is based on economic indicators and outlook, property, employment, nightlife, quality of life and employment.
  @CRrileyCNN - Last updated February 21 2013 08:50 PM ET

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