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10 hardest working countries

Where in the world do workers toil the most each year? The United States is high on the list, but a few other countries work even harder.

United States

  • Average annual hours: 1,798
  • Average annual wages: $54,450

Four out of five American employees work at least 35 hours a week, and the country is the only developed nation not to guarantee workers a right to some vacation time each year.

Unlike most European countries, U.S. labor laws also don't guarantee workers access to paid sick leave or maternity leave.

Workers in the mining and logging industry tend to work the longest hours, averaging 44 hours a week.

Source: OECD. Data reflect wage and salary workers, not the self-employed.
  @AnnalynKurtz - Last updated July 16 2013 09:27 AM ET

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