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Best countries for working moms and dads

These countries offer generous benefits for parents, making it easier for working mothers and fathers to balance work and family.


Norwegian policymakers wanted to promote gender equality not just in the workplace, but at home too.

The country was the first in the world to establish a quota for paternity leave. The policy works on a use-it-or-lose-it basis, under which fathers are granted 10 weeks of leave after the birth of a new baby.

Three weeks before the birth and six weeks after the birth are reserved for mothers. Combined, Norwegian parents may take a total of 46 weeks of leave at 100% pay or 56 weeks at 80% pay.

The government also subsidizes public daycare facilities.

Source: We used data from the Central Intelligence Agency and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation to compare female employment rates, length of work weeks and fertility rates, and then looked at parental leave policies by country.
  @AnnalynKurtz - Last updated August 13 2013 10:43 AM ET

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