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Honeymoon hotspots: Splurges vs. steals

Planning a honeymoon? Here are a dozen destinations for a range of budgets based on recommendations from wedding and travel experts at The Knot and Expedia.

London vs. Dublin

honeymoon hotspots london dublin

London offers cozy pubs, a variety of museums and tons of history. It also offers $7 beers, $100 theater tickets and and sky-high hotel rates.

Nearby Dublin also has inviting pubs and historical sites, but you'll pay a lot less. And once there, the euro's weaker exchange rate compared to the British pound means Dublin can give you more bang for your buck for food, drinks and transportation.

Splurge: London

What you'll pay*: $4,400

Steal: Dublin

What you'll pay: $3,000

*Note: Expedia calculated average trip costs using package deals offered from New York City for the week of May 31 through June 7th. Package includes airfare, plus 7 nights at a 4-star hotel, for two people.
  @melhicken - Last updated February 13 2013 05:33 AM ET

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