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10 most expensive cities in the world

$8 for a cup of coffee in Moscow. $200 for a pair of jeans in Luanda. These cities charge top dollar for the most basic purchases, according to Mercer's survey of 214 cities.

N'Djamena, Chad

most expensive places expats ndjamena
  • Monthly rent (luxury apt.): $2,245
  • International newspaper: $6.94
  • Cup of coffee: $3.06
  • Gas (per liter): $0.98

Just getting to N'Djamena is expensive. A round-trip flight from New York's JFK airport to this central African city costs at least $2,500, on Travelocity.

Once you get there, things don't get much cheaper. Order a club sandwich and a soda in Chad's capital city and it will easily cost you $25 or more, according to Mercer's report. Grab the daily paper and it will cost close to $7.

Source: Mercer Cost of Living Survey 2013, conducted in 214 cities to help international companies assess the costs of relocating employees abroad. It looks at the cost in U.S. dollars of over 200 everyday items, such as monthly rent for a luxury, 2-bedroom unfurnished apartment, a movie ticket for an international release, a fast-food hamburger meal, and more. All cities are compared to New York City and currency movements are based against the U.S. dollar.
*No information was available for the cost of renting a luxury two bedroom apartment due to scarcity of the market.
  @ANJ0817 - Last updated July 24 2013 08:11 AM ET

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