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15 best financial sites and apps

Smart new websites and apps that will change the way you save, shop, bank, invest and more.

Easily view your stock gains (or losses)

best in financial tech shares
  • Company: Shares 2
  • Cost: $3
  • Platform: iOS

Tired of trying to wade through pages of investment statements from your broker just to see what your returns are? You might want to check out Shares 2.

The main objective of Shares 2 is simple: It lets you quickly see whether your portfolio is making you richer or poorer.

After inputting all your stocks from any of the major international stock exchanges -- including the number of shares you own and the price you bought them at -- Shares 2 will tell you how much you've made (or lost) in total on a given day, how much you've made overall, and what the market value of those stocks are.

You can easily add or delete new stocks. A recent update to the app also automatically switches the value of your investment to the currency that your stock is listed in ... which is handy for international stocks.

That's it. The app isn't cluttered with charts. It's easy to use, attractively designed, and most of all, it gets you the information quickly. -- A.C.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated January 03 2014 07:18 PM ET

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